Seven habits of highly organised entrepreneurs

Economic recovery is now in sight but the pressure is still on to create equity and drive profit, and every minute counts in the life of an entrepreneur. Can being better organised really hold the key to being more profitable? Sue Reeve, founder of lifestyle management company Consider it Done, thinks so and highlights the key things to focus on.

Being organised is about keeping processes and cash flow healthy, while at the same time allowing business owners the freedom to focus on their customers and new business generation. Operating efficiently also helps reduce stress levels, letting entrepreneurs perform even more effectively.

  1. Invest time in tomorrow
  2. Manage distractions
  3. Schedule regular cost saving reviews
  4. Make your diary work harder
  5. Don't wing it with IT
  6. Be available for your clients
  7. Delegation = freedom

It takes unrelenting tenacity and energy to make a business successful, but by adopting smart working principles, and finding quality support, it's possible to reach your goals faster. You have it within your power to bring the Midas touch of good organisation to what you do.

NB: This web log is in the public domain and is presented here for public benefit, not for the purposes of business generation.

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